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Real Estate - Sale and rental of apartments and real estate in Belgrade and Serbia

Plac od 16035m2,gradjevinska zona Bečej

Plac od 16035m2,gradjevinska zona Bečej
Plac od 16035m2,gradjevinska zona Bečej
Na prodaju plac od 16 035m2 u gradjevinskoj zoni u donjem gradu u blizini Mere marketa.
Sva infrastruktura je u blizini placa.

Za sve dodatne informacije pozovite:
AGENT: Nebojša Tukodi  060 139 0 333 broj licence 4290
EXPO REAL ESTATE DOO, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V,Novi Beograd
Upisan u registar posrednika 1817

Property details

Real Estate - Sale and rental of apartments and real estate in Belgrade and Serbia
Id 206
Furnished Unfurnished
Floor -
Number of floors -
Heating -
Price 128.000 EUR

Basic information

Property type: Plac

Country: Srbija

City: Bečej

Part of the city: Donji grad

Surface: 160 ar

Structure: -

Furnished: -

Price: 128.000 EUR





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